I’d like to give a financial or physical donation

Your donation will enable us to continue housing and supporting local homeless people.

Direct Donations and Fundraising

If you would like to make a one-off donation or set up a monthly direct debit please visit our JustGiving page which will enable you to donate easily and securely.

You can also set up a fundraising page for us there. Please get in touch with Andy if you’re planning to do something for us, because we love seeing what’s happening and being able to express our gratitude!

Physical Donations

If you have an item that you would like to donate to us, just get in touch with our team to find out if it’s something we can use. We don’t have any storage, meaning we have to be able to match the item with a home straight away.

Amazon Wishlists

For those who would like to donate physical items to us we have created three wishlists on Amazon which we keep updated as to what our needs are. Click the images below to have a look.


Easyfundraising is a website that many charities use to fundraise from participating organisations when supporters shop online.

You simply connect to your charity of choice and easyfundraising will pop up whenever you’re about to ‘check out’ from a participating store. The store will then donate us a small percentage of the price. Click here to set yourself up with us as your charity!